Biological Ice Nucleators
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This discussion forum focuses on the nature of micro-organisms and other organisms that are ice nucleators (can catalyze freezing of supercooled water) and their role in cloud processes and precipitation.

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Prague conference

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1Prague conference Empty Prague conference Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:16 pm


The sessions on Biological Aerosols will take place on Thursday, August 13,2009.

Started with a talk by Anne-Marie Delort during the morning's Plenary Session, there will be 16 more papers presented during three sessions the rest of the day.

Posters on the topic are included in the session scheduled for Tuesday afternoon.

Of course, there are quite a number of other sessions during the week with papers relevant to biological aerosols and nucleation.

The full program can be seen at: <>

Hope to see you all there!!

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